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Scientific, Geeky & Nerdy names for Pets

Here are some science-themed names to give a pet:

  1. Einstein – named after the famous physicist Albert Einstein
  2. Darwin – named after the biologist Charles Darwin
  3. Tesla – named after the inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla
  4. Newton – named after the physicist Sir Isaac Newton
  5. Hawking – named after the physicist Stephen Hawking
  6. Curie – named after the physicist and chemist Marie Curie
  7. Galileo – named after the astronomer Galileo Galilei
  8. Darwinia – named after the genus of plant named after Charles Darwin
  9. Watson – named after the molecular biologist and co-discoverer of DNA structure James Watson
  10. Kepler – named after the astronomer Johannes Kepler who discovered the laws of planetary motion

Here are some geeky names to give a pet:

  1. Gandalf – named after the wizard in “The Lord of the Rings”
  2. Leia – named after Princess Leia in “Star Wars”
  3. Thor – named after the Norse god of thunder in the Marvel Universe
  4. Spock – named after the iconic character in “Star Trek”
  5. Hermione – named after the character in the “Harry Potter” series
  6. Yoda – named after the wise Jedi Master in “Star Wars”
  7. Sheldon – named after the character in “The Big Bang Theory”
  8. Arya – named after the character in “Game of Thrones”
  9. Data – named after the android in “Star Trek: The Next Generation”
  10. Neo – named after the character in “The Matrix”

Here are some nerdy names to give a pet:

  1. Gizmo – named after the adorable creature in the movie “Gremlins”
  2. Pikachu – named after the iconic Pokémon character
  3. Sonic – named after the video game character Sonic the Hedgehog
  4. Mario – named after the beloved character from the Mario Bros. video games
  5. Link – named after the hero of “The Legend of Zelda” series
  6. Donatello – named after the smartest and most tech-savvy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
  7. Arya – named after the character in “Game of Thrones”
  8. Frodo – named after the protagonist in “The Lord of the Rings” series
  9. Sheldon – named after the character in “The Big Bang Theory”
  10. Buffy – named after the vampire slayer in the TV series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”