Let’s face it, pet insects don’t last too long. Also, they are hard to catch, so it can be difficult to enjoy their companionship. Mostly, they are outdoor pests…err, pets.
However, if you love insects (and some people such as Entomologists truly do) and you are lucky enough to catch some to nurture, you should name your pets quickly before it is too late. Bugs’ lifespans are very short!

Here are some great suggestions for pet insect names:
Absolem – the Caterpillar in Alice in Wonderful
Mr. Antz
Ants in My Pants
Barry E. Benson – the star bee from the Bee Movie
Flik – the ant from A Bug’s Life
Mr. Centipede from James and the Giant Peach
Jiminy Cricket – from Pinocchio
Evinrude – the dragonfly from the Rescuers
Lightening or Sparky for Fireflies
Topaz for a blue Butterfly
When the time comes for your insect pets’ demise, don’t worry. You can always mount them on a display and enjoy them forever more.