The eight classic reindeer names from the 1823 poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas” by Clement C. Moore are:
Dasher & Dancer
Prancer & Vixen
Comet & Cupid
Donner & Blixen (the original names are Dunder & Blixem)
And of course there is Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer.

L. Frank Baum, the author of the classic Wizard of Oz series of books, listed ten reindeer in his 1902 story “the Life and Adventures of Santa Claus.”
Baum’s TEN reindeer were:
Flossie and Glossie – Santa’s primary lead reindeer PLUS
Racer & Pacer
Fearless & Peerless
Ready & Steady
Feckless & Speckless

Christmas and Winter names work well for reindeer, such as:
Misty or Misteltoe
Rudy (sort form of Rudolph)
Almost any type of People name or Dog name works well for Reindeer too.
Can you keep reindeer as pets?
YES, but not many people do so.
The Williams Reindeer Farm explains all the pros and cons of owning Reindeer as pets on their website. Reindeer Farm dot Com.