In the Spirit of the Disney movie “101 Dalmatians,” here are 101 Fabulous Names for Black and White dogs.
Ten Names based on Food Items:
Peppermint Patty, Junior Mint, Oreo, Cookie, Whoopie Pie, Pepper, Salt & Pepper, Cookies N’ Cream, Cupcake, and Sundae.
Ten Names based on Games:
Ace, Spade, Dice, Domino, Dot, Dotty, Chess, Checkers, Bingo, and Othello.
Ten Names based on Color and Patterns:
Inky, Ink Spot, Blot, Blob, Stripes, Stripey, Patch, Patches, Whitey, and Blackie.
Ten Names based on Black & White Animals:
Zebra, Orca, Panda, Penguin, Puffin, Rocky (Raccoon), Skunk, Magpie, Moo (for Cow), and Badger.
Ten Names based on Movie Stars & Cartoon Characters:
Charlie, Chaplin, Garbo, Groucho, Betty Boop, Mickey, Minnie, Snoopy, Pongo (father in 101 Dalmatians), and Cruella.
Ten Names based on Common Items:
Mittens, Socks, Tuxedo, Puzzle, Jazz, Piano, Baby Grand, Dahlia (there are some black and white Dahlia flowers), Harlequin (a design), and Yin-Yang (a design.)
Ten Names based on Natural Phenomenon:
Moon, Nova, Shadow, Shade, Stormy, Flash, Flare, Slate, Thunder, and Dropsy (Rain Drops).
Ten People Names:
Bodhi, Jack, Jasper, Nigel, Teddy, Patty (as in Peppermint), Perdita (mother dog in 101 Dalmatians), Eleanor, Mabel, and Gertie/Gertrude.
Ten Unusual Names:
Chief (because Dalmatians are Firehouse dogs), Sparky, Zippy, Speedy, Maverick, Rebel, Cruise, Lucky, Scooter, and Rolly.
And, the Number One Name for a Black & White Dog is: